The show is conceived and created by a trio of talents. And then our set designer, George Tsypin, built a custom invisible LED screen that sits in the middle of the stage that allows us to really viscerally represent these specific five worlds that the show takes places in.” It’s built entirely of glass, which, you know, building a stage from glass is insane. It’s nautilus shaped and it’s subdivided into eight separate parts that all raise and lower and rotate. Everything’s open and everything’s in view.” The stage, he adds, “is made of the most complex shapes. It’s 1,600 seats where the furthest seat from the stage is 75 feet. He details that thanks to the design of the 360-degree theater, “As an audience member, you are really immersed in the action in the truest sense of the word. “The show had to be on a Las Vegas scale - bigger and more over the top,” Baz Halpin, the show’s director and a producer tells The Hollywood Reporter.
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